Saturday, 14 June 2014

Practice makes improvement.

Practice makes improvement..

Ever heard that phrase, ‘Practice makes perfect’? During my early teens, my teachers and elders would always say to us, “Practice makes perfect”. I’ve heard it so many times, I totally believed it without thinking, “how exactly does practice make perfect?” In our walk with God, we are constantly growing in His Word, spirit and lifestyle. We use these to increase our influence in the market place and personal life. BUT where is the perfection in all of this?

The truth is there is no perfection in the things we do; we can only IMPROVE on them. Steve Jobs created the ‘iPhone’ and over time, he improved the designs and our interaction with it. He passed away (God bless his soul) leaving the iPhone 4s as his last legacy and soon, an improved version will emerge. Over the years, since hitting the digital space, I’ve learned new programming languages which has enhanced my coding abilities and improved the way I work. I am much better than I was, but I am nowhere near perfect yet.

The same goes for YOU- you have probably learnt how to use a particular skill and within a certain period, improved in your deployment of them, but are nowhere near perfect with it. The question still stands though – Have you perfected it now because you’ve been practicing it?

The answer most certainly will be ‘NO’ as there will still be a way to improve its quality and usage. Someone can take that particular ‘thing’ and give it a new breath of life. For example the centuries have evolved from the Stone Age to the Information Age (21st century); Hi5 has become Facebook, Yahoo search has yielded to Google search and soon we will have flying cars and hamburgers as small as a single pea. Should this stop you in your tracks from aiming higher? NO. Practice, practice, practice! Test yourself; find new and innovative ways of doing things. Even Paul’s preaching was examined to make sure he was teaching the truth (Read Acts 17:11 for completion)

Web design didn’t come this far with just HTML alone, and even that has been improved to HTML5 and now we have xHTML, JQuery, CSS3, PHP5 – I’m sorry, am I speaking computer lingo?! Your talents can go a long way in helping to build a better future for this and the next generation. Work on them, ask the Holy Spirit to help you do the spiritual things effectively like praying for an hour, speaking in tongues, using the gifts you have been given to edify the saints and so on.

‘Discover, Develop and Deploy’ your gifts and talents, how to understand ‘What is that in your hand’, how you can ‘Abuse and Misuse’ your talents and now I urge you, ‘take what you have and develop them further’.

An architect can’t get better by designing only one building neither can a writer develop their skills by reading alone


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