Wednesday, 11 June 2014

From angry bird to happy bird

—Anger management

—Why we are doing this?

—To understand the root of anger.
—Receive support, ideas and feedback from eachother.
—Learn skills to deal with/manage anger.
—Therefore improving interpersonal skills.
—Anger is most probably the most poorly handled emotion in our society.
—Anger management will help you prevent or cope with anger within yourself or in others.

—What is anger?

—Anger =feeling irritated
—irritated or annoyed.
—Anger= Response to being hurt, frustated, insulted and rejected
—Anger is an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage.
—Anger is an extremely powerful emotion, and inability to keep it under control can lead to serious problems in relationship, career and healt

Anyone can become angry. that is easy. but to be angry with right person, to the rightperson, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose and in the right way that is not easy.

Anger occurs naturally and cannot be avoided. so its better to find control techniques rather than anger elimination.

Find control techniques rather than anger elimination.

—Myths about anger

—Anger is inherited.
—Anger automatically leads to aggression.
—People must be aggressive to get what they want.
—Suppressing anger is always desirable.

—Whats behind anger ?

—What’s behind anger

—Does everybody experience anger ?

Everybody gets angry. That is ok. You are going to feel what you feel. Buthow to act is up to you. And that matters. Because how you act leads to consequences

—Dealing with your anger

—Triggers of anger

—Specific person
—Event(traffic jam, cancelled concert or flight, taking trash about your family.

—Worrying about personal problem
—Memories of Traumatic events
—Something that happens that makes you angry.
—What triggers you does not always triggers someone else.

—Anger cues

—Your body sends you signals when you are getting angry
—Loud voice
—Red face
—Racing and pounding heart beat
—Changing in breathing
—Flushed face
—Upset stomach

—What is your anger style?

When anger is triggered you are going to react in some ways. The way you react is called your anger style.
—Acting out

—Easiest way to recognize.
—Its when you strikeout at the person you are mad at
—Ex Guy gets mad at his boss comes home and yells at his kids or kicks the dog.

—You hurt innocent people
—Problem not solved

—When you hold your anger down inside yourself because you think it isn’t nice to have these feelings
—Denying your anger isn’t dealing with it.
—It can out in other ways headaches, stomach aches, anxious, depressed.
—And one day you may explode.

—You hurt yourself
—You may hurt others when you explode
—Problem not solved

—Anger becomes problem when

—Felt too intensely
—Felt too frequently
—Expressed inappropriately words, gestures, contact
—Results in negative consequences, assult, arrest, loosing loved ones and termination from work
—Result in negative self concept, guilt, shame and regret.

—Difference between anger and

—Anger- feeling
—Agression- action
—Anger is an emotion . Its ok to be angry.
—Agression is acting out inappropriately and it is not ok

Why its good to be angry?

—The positive aspect of anger are that you have increased energy are able to communicate your feelings, able to problem solve and can take charge of the situation

—Why its not good to be angry

—The negative aspect of anger are that you can have disruption of your thinking. Unnecessarily defend yourself become aggressive and become known as angry person.
—There is a very good saying that don’t reply when you are sad, Don’t take decision when you are angry think twice, act wise.

—Ways to keep cool

—Get exercise daily
—Eat right
—Get enough sleep
—Learn to relax
—Know your feelings
—find a quite place
—take a time out
—find fun distraction
—Make good decisions about what can see and hear

—Problem caused by anger

—Hypertension, high bp and depression
—Greater risk of dying from coronary heart desease
—Weaker immune system
—Shorter life span.
—Putting others down and criticizing everything

—When you are angry and upset remember

1-2-3 Turtle

1.Go inside your shell. Think before you act. Take a time out.
2.Take 3 deep breaths. Time to relax. Calm your self down.
3.Walk away. Think for a good solution.

—Share your problems with other elders. Talk it out and ask for advice.
—Be honest about your feelings.

—Dealing with anger

—When you find yourself angry, remember the only behaviour you can manage is your own
—So pay attention to your anger cues
—And if you feel like you’re going to lose it

Get a grip
—Cool off, stay calm
—Walk away
—Count to 10
—Take deep breaths
—Using calming self talks like “ I can handle this. Chill its not as bad as it seems
—Imagine you are in peaceful place
—Think of the person u love the most

—Give yourself some time to sort out things
—Write the problems down on paper.
—Think it through. Ask yourself what really happened ? How was I triggered ? What were my cues ?
—Talk it over with a friend or adult you trust.
—Turn your anger enery into a change for better.
—Tell the person making you angry how you feel
—Channel your energy into a physical activity
—Try to solve problem
—Try to accept situation you cant change.

—Everybody gets angry. That’s just how it is. The difference comes in what you do about it.

“So (get a grip)”


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